Main reasons why you should repair your boiler in the summer
Reasons why you to have boiler repair in summer
Repair or maintain your boiler in the summer? Turning on the central heating may be just a distant memory, but did you know that summer is the ideal time for servicing your boiler? I have to admit it’s the last thing you want to think about as the sun is shining, and the temperatures are mild, but you can guarantee that the first cold hit there will be homeowners all over Sunderland turning on their heating systems only to find that it do not work. You can avoid all of this. Take a look at our best tips for the maintenance of your boiler this summer.
Why do I have to keep my boiler?
You must carry out maintenance of the boiler annually. This will not only ensure it works efficiently and safely for the year to come, but it will also validate any manufacturer’s warranties that you have on the device. Regular maintenance minimizes the risk of breakdowns and also helps to extend the life of the boiler.
The maintenance of the boiler guarantees safety and health
Carbon monoxide is a real danger to anyone with an internal combustion appliance. This toxic gas is odorless, colorless, and tasteless, which means most don’t even know they’re poisoned. Periodic boiler maintenance ensures that fuel is burned safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

And for the elderly, vulnerable or those with young children, making sure you have a working boiler is a must for the months to come. While for most of us, boiler rupture is an inconvenience, for some, a lack of heating and hot water can have serious health and financial repercussions.
It’s not just homeowners who need to take note of boiler maintenance. Law require owners to have a gas safety certificate and must ensure that their boilers are operating safely. An annual boiler service is essential and a relatively inexpensive maintenance job to do annually.
Why should I have a boiler repair now?
Once it hit the first cold snap, so the boiler will break. Heating engineers across the country will be inundated with calls. Thus, you will likely have to wait much longer to restart central heating and hot water.
But if you are servicing your boiler now, not only are you making sure it is working properly (making it less likely to fail once you turn the heat back on in the fall), you can also choose when to get it repaired on your own terms. No panic, no sitting in the cold, no need to wash in ice water.
Maintenance of the boiler saves money
Maintaining an appliance will certainly save you money in the long run – the cost of regular appliance maintenance can be significantly less than the cost of repairing or replacing an appliance that goes unrepaired and breaks down. When it comes to appliances, your boiler is one of the most expensive to replace and can cause the most disturbance to everyday life.
Who can repair my boiler?
Heating engineers working on gas boilers must all be registered with Safe Gas. For oil-powered appliances, contact the OFTEC registered engineer and a HETAS registered engineer for biological and solid fuel. You can make sure your engineer also works to professional standards by employing the CIPHE registered heating technician. Therefore, use the online plumber search service to find the best engineer for you.
Sunderland Plumbing Service offers its service on boiler installations and repairs in Sunderland, in the west and central area of Sunderland. Give us a ring and someone would be happy to help you with replacing the boiler.
Call 01917210591